# start_papermc.sh A better script for running Paper Minecraft server with features such as automatic build updates, automatic downlading, interactive eula accepting, interactive updating, etc. > **Warning** > > - This script is not made for migrating versions. If you're migrating versions, delete your old server's `.jar` file and change the version in the script's settings > - I am not responsible for any lost data > - If enough people request it (or someone creates a PR) I'll add this functionality ## Basic setup > **Note** > > Everything mentioned below is modified at the top of the `start.sh` file 1. Clone this repository and enter the directory: `git clone https://github.com/jiriks74/start_papermc.sh minecraft_server && cd minecraft_server` > **Note** > > If you want to have the server under some specific directory name, just change `minecraft_server` to something else 2. Open `star.sh` in your favorite editor *(eg. `nano start.sh)* 3. Change the `version` variable to the version you want ```bash version="1.12.2" ``` 4. If you want a specific build, set the `select_build` variable. Othervise the sript will download the latest build: ```bash select_build="1620" ``` 5. Select how much memory you want your server to use ***(in megabytes)***: ```bash initMem="1500M" #1.5G maxMem="8000M" # 12G ``` 6. Modify server parameters to your liking: ```bash mc_launchoptions="-nogui" ``` 7. Add some jvm (java) parameters to your liking ***(memory is set above, do not add it here)***: ```bash java_launchoptions="" ``` > **Note** > > If you use quite old versions of minecraft you should change the defaults under the line above 8. Run the script with `./start.sh`