local Presence = {} local Log = require("log") local files = require("presence.files") local DiscordRPC = require("presence.discord") function Presence:setup(options) options = options or {} -- Ensure auto-update config is reflected in its global var setting if options.auto_update ~= nil or not vim.g.presence_auto_update then local should_auto_update = options.auto_update ~= nil and (options.auto_update and 1 or 0) or (vim.g.presence_auto_update or 1) vim.api.nvim_set_var("presence_auto_update", should_auto_update) end -- Initialize logger with provided options self.log = Log { level = options.log_level or vim.g.presence_log_level, } self.log:debug("Setting up plugin...") -- Internal state self.is_connected = false self.is_authorized = false -- Use the default or user-defined client id if provided self.client_id = "793271441293967371" if options.client_id then self.log:debug("Using user-defined Discord client id") self.client_id = options.client_id end self.discord = DiscordRPC:new({ client_id = self.client_id, logger = self.log, }) self.log:info("Completed plugin setup") -- Set global variable to indicate plugin has been set up vim.api.nvim_set_var("presence_has_setup", 1) return self end function Presence:connect(on_done) self.log:debug("Connecting to Discord...") self.discord:connect(function(err) -- Handle known connection errors if err == "EISCONN" then self.log:info("Already connected to Discord") elseif err == "ECONNREFUSED" then self.log:warn("Failed to connect to Discord: "..err.." (is Discord running?)") return elseif err then self.log:error("Failed to connect to Discord: "..err) return end self.log:info("Connected to Discord") self.is_connected = true if on_done then on_done() end end) end function Presence:authorize(on_done) self.log:debug("Authorizing with Discord...") self.discord:authorize(function(err, response) if err and err:find(".*already did handshake.*") then self.log:info("Already authorized with Discord") self.is_authorized = true return on_done() elseif err then self.log:error("Failed to authorize with Discord: "..err) self.is_authorized = false return end self.log:info("Authorized with Discord for "..response.data.user.username) self.is_authorized = true if on_done then on_done() end end) end -- Gets the file path of the current vim buffer function Presence.get_current_buffer(on_buffer) vim.schedule(function() local current_buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local buffer = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(current_buffer) on_buffer(buffer) end) end -- Gets the current project name function Presence:get_project_name(file_path) -- TODO: Only checks for a git repository, could add more checks here -- Might want to run this in a background process depending on performance local project_path_cmd = "git rev-parse --show-toplevel" project_path_cmd = file_path and string.format("cd %s && %s", file_path, project_path_cmd) or project_path_cmd local project_path = vim.fn.system(project_path_cmd) project_path = vim.trim(project_path) if #project_path == 0 or project_path:find("fatal.*") then return nil end return self.get_filename(project_path) end -- Get the name of the parent directory for the given path function Presence.get_dir_path(path) return path:match("^(.+/.+)/.*$") end -- Get the name of the file for the given path function Presence.get_filename(path) return path:match("^.+/(.+)$") end -- Get the file extension for the given filename function Presence.get_file_extension(path) return path:match("^.+%.(.+)$") end -- Wrap calls to Discord that require prior connection and authorization function Presence.discord_event(on_ready) return function(self, ...) local args = {...} local callback = function() on_ready(self, unpack(args)) end if self.is_connected and self.is_authorized then return callback() end if self.is_connected and not self.is_authorized then return self:authorize(callback) end self:connect(function() if self.is_authorized then return callback() end self:authorize(callback) end) end end -- Update Rich Presence for the provided vim buffer function Presence:update_for_buffer(buffer) self.log:debug(string.format("Setting activity for %s...", buffer)) -- Parse vim buffer local filename = self.get_filename(buffer) local extension = self.get_file_extension(filename) local parent_dirpath = self.get_dir_path(buffer) -- Determine image text and asset key local name = filename local asset_key = "file" local description = filename if files[extension] then name, asset_key, description = unpack(files[extension]) end local activity = { state = string.format("Editing %s", filename), assets = { large_image = "neovim", large_text = "The One True Text Editor", small_image = asset_key, small_text = description or name, }, timestamps = { start = os.time(os.date("!*t")) }, } -- Include project details if available local project_name = self:get_project_name(parent_dirpath) if project_name then self.log:debug(string.format("Detected project: %s", project_name)) activity.details = string.format("Working on %s", project_name) else self.log:debug("No project detected") end self.discord:set_activity(activity, function(err) if err then self.log:error("Failed to set activity in Discord: "..err) return end self.log:info(string.format("Set activity in Discord for %s", filename)) end) end -- Update Rich Presence for the current or provided vim buffer for an authorized connection Presence.update = Presence.discord_event(function(self, buffer) if buffer then self:update_for_buffer(buffer) else self.get_current_buffer(function(current_buffer) self:update_for_buffer(current_buffer) end) end end) function Presence:stop() self.log:debug("Disconnecting from Discord...") self.discord:disconnect(function() self.log:info("Disconnected from Discord") end) end return Presence