-------------------------------------------------- -- ____ -- -- / __ \________ ________ ____ ________ -- -- / /_/ / ___/ _ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \ -- -- / ____/ / / __(__ ) __/ / / / /__/ __/ -- -- /_/ /_/ \___/____/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ -- -- -- -- Discord Rich Presence plugin for Neovim. -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -- Nvim peer-to-peer runtime state shape example: -- -- Presence = { -- id = "ee1fc18f-2c81-4b88-b92e-cb801fbe8d85", -- workspace = "/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim", -- socket = "/var/folders/mm/8qfxwcdn29s8d_rzmj7bqxb40000gn/T/nvim9pEtTD/0", -- -- -- Last activity set by current client or any peer instance -- last_activity = { -- file = "/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim/README.md", -- workspace = "/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim", -- set_at = 1616033523, -- }, -- -- -- Other remote Neovim instances (peers) -- peers = { -- ["dd5eeafe-8d0d-44d7-9850-45d3884be1a0"] = { -- workspace = "/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim", -- socket = "/var/folders/mm/8qfxwcdn29s8d_rzmj7bqxb40000gn/T/nvim9pEtTD/0", -- }, -- ["346750e6-c416-44ff-98f3-eb44ea2ef15d"] = { -- workspace = "/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim", -- socket = "/var/folders/mm/8qfxwcdn29s8d_rzmj7bqxb40000gn/T/nvim09n664/0", -- } -- }, -- -- -- Workspace states across all peers -- workspaces = { -- ["/Users/user/Code/dotfiles"] = { -- started_at = 1616033505, -- updated_at = 1616033505 -- }, -- ["/Users/user/Code/presence.nvim"] = { -- started_at = 1616033442, -- updated_at = 1616033523 -- }, -- }, -- -- ... other methods and member variables -- } -- local Presence = {} Presence.is_authorized = false Presence.is_connected = false Presence.last_activity = {} Presence.peers = {} Presence.socket = vim.v.servername Presence.workspace = nil Presence.workspaces = {} local log = require("lib.log") local msgpack = require("deps.msgpack") local serpent = require("deps.serpent") local Discord = require("presence.discord") local file_assets = require("presence.file_assets") function Presence:setup(options) options = options or {} self.options = options -- Initialize logger self:set_option("log_level", nil, false) self.log = log:init({ level = options.log_level }) self.log:debug("Setting up plugin...") -- Use the default or user-defined client id if provided if options.client_id then self.log:info("Using user-defined Discord client id") end self:set_option("auto_update", 1) self:set_option("main_image", "neovim") self:set_option("editing_text", "Editing %s") self:set_option("workspace_text", "Working on %s") self:set_option("neovim_image_text", "The One True Text Editor") self:set_option("client_id", "793271441293967371") self:set_option("debounce_timeout", 15) -- Initialize discord RPC client self.discord = Discord:init({ logger = self.log, client_id = options.client_id, ipc_path = self.get_ipc_path(), }) -- Seed instance id using unique socket address local seed_nums = {} self.socket:gsub(".", function(c) table.insert(seed_nums, c:byte()) end) self.id = self.discord.generate_uuid(tonumber(table.concat(seed_nums)) / os.clock()) -- Ensure auto-update config is reflected in its global var setting vim.api.nvim_set_var("presence_auto_update", options.auto_update) -- Set autocommands vim.fn["presence#SetAutoCmds"]() self.log:info("Completed plugin setup") -- Set global variable to indicate plugin has been set up vim.api.nvim_set_var("presence_has_setup", 1) -- Register self to any remote Neovim instances self:register_self() return self end -- Set option using either vim global or setup table function Presence:set_option(option, default, validate) validate = validate == nil and true or validate local g_variable = string.format("presence_%s", option) -- Coalesce boolean options to integer 0 or 1 if type(self.options[option]) == "boolean" then self.options[option] = self.options[option] and 1 or 0 end if validate then -- Warn on any duplicate user-defined options self:check_dup_options(option) end self.options[option] = self.options[option] or vim.g[g_variable] or default end -- Check and warn for duplicate user-defined options function Presence:check_dup_options(option) local g_variable = string.format("presence_%s", option) if self.options[option] ~= nil and vim.g[g_variable] ~= nil then local warning_fmt = "Duplicate options: `g:%s` and setup option `%s`" local warning_msg = string.format(warning_fmt, g_variable, option) self.log:warn(warning_msg) end end -- Send a nil activity to unset the presence function Presence:cancel() self.log:debug("Canceling Discord presence...") if not self.discord:is_connected() then return end self.discord:set_activity(nil, function(err) if err then self.log:error("Failed to set nil activity in Discord: "..err) return end self.log:info("Sent nil activity to Discord") end) end -- Call a command on a remote Neovim instance at the provided IPC path function Presence:call_remote_nvim_instance(ipc_path, command) local remote_nvim_instance = vim.loop.new_pipe(true) remote_nvim_instance:connect(ipc_path, function() self.log:debug(string.format("Connected to remote nvim instance at %s", ipc_path)) local packed = msgpack.pack({ 0, 0, "nvim_command", { command } }) remote_nvim_instance:write(packed, function() self.log:debug(string.format("Wrote to remote nvim instance: %s", ipc_path)) end) end) end -- Call a Presence method on a remote instance with a given list of arguments function Presence:call_remote_method(socket, name, args) local command_fmt = "lua package.loaded.presence:%s(%s)" -- Stringify the list of args for i = 1, #args do local arg = args[i] if type(arg) == "string" then args[i] = string.format([["%s"]], arg) elseif type(arg) == "boolean" then args[i] = string.format([["%s"]], tostring(arg)) elseif type(arg) == "table" then -- Wrap serpent dump with function invocation to pass in the table value args[i] = string.format("(function() %s end)()", serpent.dump(arg)) end end local arglist = table.concat(args or {}, ",") local command = string.format(command_fmt, name, arglist) self:call_remote_nvim_instance(socket, command) end function Presence:connect(on_done) self.log:debug("Connecting to Discord...") self.discord:connect(function(err) -- Handle known connection errors if err == "EISCONN" then self.log:info("Already connected to Discord") elseif err == "ECONNREFUSED" then self.log:warn("Failed to connect to Discord: "..err.." (is Discord running?)") return elseif err then self.log:error("Failed to connect to Discord: "..err) return end self.log:info("Connected to Discord") self.is_connected = true if on_done then on_done() end end) end function Presence:authorize(on_done) self.log:debug("Authorizing with Discord...") self.discord:authorize(function(err, response) if err and err:find(".*already did handshake.*") then self.log:info("Already authorized with Discord") self.is_authorized = true return on_done() elseif err then self.log:error("Failed to authorize with Discord: "..err) self.is_authorized = false return end self.log:info("Authorized with Discord for "..response.data.user.username) self.is_authorized = true if on_done then on_done() end end) end -- Find the the IPC path in temp runtime directories function Presence.get_ipc_path() local env_vars = { "TEMP", "TMP", "TMPDIR", "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", } for i = 1, #env_vars do local var = env_vars[i] local path = vim.loop.os_getenv(var) if path then return path end end return nil end -- Gets the file path of the current vim buffer function Presence.get_current_buffer(on_buffer) vim.schedule(function() local current_buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local buffer = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(current_buffer) on_buffer(buffer) end) end -- Gets the current project name function Presence:get_project_name(file_path) -- TODO: Only checks for a git repository, could add more checks here -- Might want to run this in a background process depending on performance local project_path_cmd = "git rev-parse --show-toplevel" project_path_cmd = file_path and string.format("cd %s && %s", file_path, project_path_cmd) or project_path_cmd local project_path = vim.fn.system(project_path_cmd) project_path = vim.trim(project_path) if #project_path == 0 or project_path:find("fatal.*") then return nil end return self.get_filename(project_path), project_path end -- Get the name of the parent directory for the given path function Presence.get_dir_path(path) return path:match("^(.+/.+)/.*$") end -- Get the name of the file for the given path function Presence.get_filename(path) return path:match("^.+/(.+)$") end -- Get the file extension for the given filename function Presence.get_file_extension(path) return path:match("^.+%.(.+)$") end -- Get all active local nvim unix domain socket addresses function Presence:get_nvim_socket_addrs(on_done) -- TODO: Find a better way to get paths of remote Neovim sockets lol local cmd = table.concat({ "netstat -u", [[grep --color=never "nvim.*/0"]], [[awk -F "[ :]+" '{print $9}']], "sort", "uniq", }, "|") local sockets = {} local function handle_data(_, data) if not data then return end for i = 1, #data do local socket = data[i] if socket ~= "" and socket ~= self.socket then table.insert(sockets, socket) end end end local function handle_error(_, data) if not data then return end if data[1] ~= "" then self.log:error(data[1]) end end local function handle_exit() on_done(sockets) end vim.fn.jobstart(cmd, { on_stdout = handle_data, on_stderr = handle_error, on_exit = handle_exit, }) end -- Wrap calls to Discord that require prior connection and authorization function Presence.discord_event(on_ready) return function(self, ...) local args = {...} local callback = function() on_ready(self, unpack(args)) end if self.is_connected and self.is_authorized then return callback() end if self.is_connected and not self.is_authorized then return self:authorize(callback) end self:connect(function() if self.is_authorized then return callback() end self:authorize(callback) end) end end -- Update Rich Presence for the provided vim buffer function Presence:update_for_buffer(buffer, should_debounce) if should_debounce and self.last_activity.file == buffer then self.log:debug(string.format("Activity already set for %s, skipping...", buffer)) return end local activity_set_at = os.time() self.log:debug(string.format("Setting activity for %s...", buffer)) -- Parse vim buffer local filename = self.get_filename(buffer) local extension = self.get_file_extension(filename) local parent_dirpath = self.get_dir_path(buffer) -- Determine image text and asset key local name = filename local asset_key = "file" local description = filename local file_asset = extension and file_assets[extension] or file_assets[filename] if file_asset then name, asset_key, description = unpack(file_asset) end local file_text = description or name local neovim_image_text = self.options.neovim_image_text local use_file_as_main_image = self.options.main_image == "file" local assets = { large_image = use_file_as_main_image and asset_key or "neovim", large_text = use_file_as_main_image and file_text or neovim_image_text, small_image = use_file_as_main_image and "neovim" or asset_key, small_text = use_file_as_main_image and neovim_image_text or file_text, } local editing_text = self.options.editing_text editing_text = type(editing_text) == "function" and editing_text(filename, buffer) or string.format(editing_text, filename) local activity = { state = editing_text, assets = assets, timestamps = { start = activity_set_at, }, } local workspace_text = self.options.workspace_text local project_name, project_path = self:get_project_name(parent_dirpath) -- Include project details if available if project_name then self.log:debug(string.format("Detected project: %s", project_name)) activity.details = type(workspace_text) == "function" and workspace_text(project_name, buffer) or string.format(workspace_text, project_name) self.workspace = project_path self.last_activity = { file = buffer, set_at = activity_set_at, workspace = project_path, } if self.workspaces[project_path] then self.workspaces[project_path].updated_at = activity_set_at activity.timestamps = { start = self.workspaces[project_path].started_at, } else self.workspaces[project_path] = { started_at = activity_set_at, updated_at = activity_set_at, } end else self.log:debug("No project detected") self.workspace = nil self.last_activity = { file = buffer, set_at = activity_set_at, workspace = nil, } -- When no project is detected, set custom workspace text if: -- * The custom function returns custom workspace text -- * The configured workspace text does not contain a directive if type(workspace_text) == "function" then local custom_workspace_text = workspace_text(nil, buffer) if custom_workspace_text then activity.details = custom_workspace_text end elseif not workspace_text:find("%s") then activity.details = workspace_text end end -- Sync activity to all peers self:sync_self_activity() self.discord:set_activity(activity, function(err) if err then self.log:error("Failed to set activity in Discord: "..err) return end self.log:info(string.format("Set activity in Discord for %s", filename)) end) end -- Update Rich Presence for the current or provided vim buffer for an authorized connection Presence.update = Presence.discord_event(function(self, buffer, should_debounce) -- Default update to not debounce by default if should_debounce == nil then should_debounce = false end -- Debounce Rich Presence updates (default to 15 seconds): -- https://discord.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to#updating-presence local last_updated_at = self.last_activity.set_at local debounce_timeout = self.options.debounce_timeout local should_skip = should_debounce and debounce_timeout and self.last_activity.file == buffer and last_updated_at and os.time() - last_updated_at <= debounce_timeout if should_skip then local message_fmt = "Last activity sent was within %d seconds ago, skipping..." self.log:debug(string.format(message_fmt, debounce_timeout)) return end if buffer then self:update_for_buffer(buffer, should_debounce) else self.get_current_buffer(function(current_buffer) self:update_for_buffer(current_buffer, should_debounce) end) end end) -- Register some remote peer function Presence:register_peer(id, socket) self.log:debug(string.format("Registering peer %s...", id)) self.peers[id] = { socket = socket, workspace = nil, } self.log:info(string.format("Registered peer %s", id)) end -- Unregister some remote peer function Presence:unregister_peer(id, peer) self.log:debug(string.format("Unregistering peer %s... %s", id, vim.inspect(peer))) -- Remove workspace if no other peers share the same workspace -- Initialize to remove if the workspace differs from the local workspace, check peers below local should_remove_workspace = peer.workspace ~= self.workspace local peers = {} for peer_id, peer_data in pairs(self.peers) do -- Omit peer from peers list if peer_id ~= id then peers[peer_id] = peer_data -- Should not remove workspace if another peer shares the workspace if should_remove_workspace and peer.workspace == peer_data.workspace then should_remove_workspace = false end end end self.peers = peers -- Update workspaces if necessary local workspaces = {} if should_remove_workspace then self.log:debug(string.format("Should remove workspace %s", peer.workspace)) for workspace, data in pairs(self.workspaces) do if workspace ~= peer.workspace then workspaces[workspace] = data end end self.workspaces = workspaces end self.log:info(string.format("Unregistered peer %s", id)) end -- Unregister some remote peer and set activity function Presence:unregister_peer_and_set_activity(id, peer) self:unregister_peer(id, peer) self:update() end -- Register a remote peer and sync its data function Presence:register_and_sync_peer(id, socket) self:register_peer(id, socket) self.log:debug("Syncing data with newly registered peer...") -- Initialize the remote peer's list including self local peers = { [self.id] = { socket = self.socket, workspace = self.workspace, } } for peer_id, peer in pairs(self.peers) do if peer_id ~= id then peers[peer_id] = peer end end self:call_remote_method(socket, "sync_self", {{ last_activity = self.last_activity, peers = peers, workspaces = self.workspaces, }}) end -- Register self to any remote Neovim instances -- Simply emits to all nvim socket addresses as we have not yet been synced with peer list function Presence:register_self() self:get_nvim_socket_addrs(function(sockets) if #sockets == 0 then self.log:debug("No other remote nvim instances") return end self.log:debug(string.format("Registering as a new peer to %d instance(s)...", #sockets)) -- Register and sync state with one of the sockets self:call_remote_method(sockets[1], "register_and_sync_peer", { self.id, self.socket }) if #sockets == 1 then return end for i = 2, #sockets do self:call_remote_method(sockets[i], "register_peer", { self.id, self.socket }) end end) end -- Unregister self to all peers function Presence:unregister_self() local self_as_peer = { socket = self.socket, workspace = self.workspace, } local i = 1 for id, peer in pairs(self.peers) do if self.options.auto_update and i == 1 then self.log:debug(string.format("Unregistering self and setting activity for peer %s...", id)) self:call_remote_method(peer.socket, "unregister_peer_and_set_activity", { self.id, self_as_peer }) else self.log:debug(string.format("Unregistering self to peer %s...", id)) self:call_remote_method(peer.socket, "unregister_peer", { self.id, self_as_peer }) end i = i + 1 end end -- Sync self with data from a remote peer function Presence:sync_self(data) self.log:debug(string.format("Syncing data from remote peer...", vim.inspect(data))) for key, value in pairs(data) do self[key] = value end self.log:info("Synced runtime data from remote peer") end -- Sync activity set by self to all peers function Presence:sync_self_activity() local self_as_peer = { socket = self.socket, workspace = self.workspace, } for id, peer in pairs(self.peers) do self.log:debug(string.format("Syncing activity to peer %s...", id)) local peers = { [self.id] = self_as_peer } for peer_id, peer_data in pairs(self.peers) do if peer_id ~= id then peers[peer_id] = { socket = peer_data.socket, workspace = peer_data.workspace, } end end self:call_remote_method(peer.socket, "sync_peer_activity", {{ last_activity = self.last_activity, peers = peers, workspaces = self.workspaces, }}) end end -- Sync activity set by peer function Presence:sync_peer_activity(data) self.log:debug(string.format("Syncing peer activity %s...", vim.inspect(data))) self:cancel() self:sync_self(data) end function Presence:stop() self.log:debug("Disconnecting from Discord...") self.discord:disconnect(function() self.log:info("Disconnected from Discord") end) end return Presence